Viewpoints in Vlore

Other than the exquisite sunsets daily there are a few cool places to check out in Vlore. Kuzum Baba is the best viewpoint to take in the entire city. It was a short hour hike to get there from our apartment, winding through the back streets and getting to see the city from a different perspective. We met a lovely man along the way who gave us directions, he obviously knew looking at us that we were not locals and also where exactly we wanted to go. After the steep climb you are rewarded with a panoramic view. There is a restaurant up top that was closed as it was still off season, but seeing Vlore from above is spectacular. Getting down was an interesting adventure as the ancient stairs were completely missing in intervals, however, we were able to get down to the main street safely.

From above you can see the Cemetery of the Partisans, which is another serene place to watch the sunset. As a bonus, the Muradie Mosque’s (built in 1537 by the Ottomans during their occupation) prayers can be heard from below several times daily. They resonate through town over loudspeakers and can be heard for kilometers. They are hauntingly beautiful and a reminder to take a moment to be present throughout the day.

The north beach offers some of the greatest views of Sason Island and the Karaburun Peninsula. The beach is mostly remote save a few fishing boats and cars. You can drive on the beach which seems popular with the youth as there is not a lot to do in the way of hanging out. Further along the beach are winding trails through a small forest, save the palms along the strip there are not a lot of trees with the exception of Olive. Vlore has one of the largest plantings of olive trees, the olive oil is inexpensive and some of the greatest tasting in the world. The walk down the north beach is a bit dystopian in comparison to the south beach. Instead of the small hotels and endless cafes there are ruins of old buildings and strange beach debris.

The south beach is where all of the tourist attractions are, there is a long promenade on either side of the street, one filled with shops and cafes and the other along the beach. It is easy to feel at home here, everyone walks or bikes everywhere. You can see the same men fishing from various points along the beach, which varies from rocks to sand depending on where you are. My favorite place to sit was close to the tunnel where an ancient spring resides. There is nothing but you, the crashing of waves along rocks and the incredible, constantly morphing views.